Vedic Astrologer


What you get:
– You will be able to get rid of debts and attract finances in your life
– Understand through which areas you will begin to receive money
– Find your ideal partner.
– Harmonize relationships with loved ones and the world around you
– Restore and strengthen your health
– Learn a job in high demand.
– Rest assured of your future
– Become a truly happy person
– Bring prosperity to all areas of life



Astrology changes destinies and helps you find your destiny. The life of our students changes for the better in the most important areas: relationships, finances and health.
– 12 modules

Our goal is to change the lives of our students for the better.
To help as many people as possible find their purpose and live happy lives using Vedic knowledge.
To do this, we have made a strong, step-by-step and accessible training program for everyone, with support and feedback every step of the way.
Every student changes their life for the better and helps thousands of people change their lives through astrological counseling.

“Senior Specialist” package
1. Introduction to Joytish. The difference between Vedic and Western astrology, ayanamsa, karma in the horoscope, 3 styles of natal charts
2. Planets (grahas). Description of the planets, beneficent, malefic planets, paramount indicators.
3. Houses (bhavas) of the horoscope. Types of houses, characteristics of houses, strength of houses. Bhavat-bhavam system.
4. 12 rashi (signs). Characteristic 12 rashi, kalapurusha (zodiac and part of the body). Rulers of signs, yoga karakas.
5. Friendship of planets. We determine the strength of the planet and its influence on the horoscope. Permanent and temporary friendship, exaltation, debaltation, mulatrikona, own sign, retrograde planet, burning, war of planets. Graha-bala, Shad-bala
6. Graha, Rashi Drishti. Curse in the horoscope. “Drishti” means view or aspect. Desire is conveyed through the eyes. When a good person looks at us, he gives us his warm, benevolent look. When an evil person looks at us, he is plotting something bad against us and we feel uncomfortable. So the planets transmit their influence to other houses and planets through aspects.
7. Connection of planets in a horoscope. The conjunction of the planets gives certain characteristics to the owner of the natal chart.
8. The position of the owner of the house in other houses from 1 to 2 houses. We interpret the situation of the owners of houses.
9. The position of the owner of the house in other houses from 3 to 8 houses. We interpret the situation of the owners of houses.
10. The position of the owner of the house from 9 to 12 houses. We interpret the situation of the owners of houses.
11. Practice. Analysis of the natal chart based on the topics covered. Methods of correction, downai planets.
12. Rahu Ketu. We analyze karmic tasks in the map.
13. Navamsha (fractional card d9). Navamsha is one of the most important divisional charts in Jyotish. The position of the planets in the Navamsa helps to determine their strength definitively.
14. Dashamsha (Divisional card D 10). Dashamsha is directly related to the 10th house, unfolds the role of a person in social, professional activities, success or growth in a career, social position and achievements in society.
15. Yoga. Yoga is a combination of planets that allows them to combine efforts and achieve better results; the strength or weakness of planetary yoga depends on the state of its participants located in certain signs of the zodiac and houses of the horoscope.
16. Gandanta, Badhak. Badhaka-sthana and Badhakesha – houses and planets that create obstacles and obstacles in the horoscope. Gandanta: dangerous points of connection of signs of water and fire in a horoscope.
17. Nakshatras. Lunar stations. Nakshatras are a system showing the direct structure of human consciousness.
18. Predictive astrology. planetary periods. Vimshottari dasha.
19. Transits of Planets. Transits represent time cycles and show what situations you are bound to encounter during this period of time. Since the planets move in a certain way, all situations can be predicted and prepared for them.
20. Rectification. Recovery time of birth.
21. Karaki. Additional indicators. They show the influence of situations and people on our lives.
22. Arudhi is the perception of the born and the spheres of his life by other people. This is a reflection of the personality, his status, financial situation, property.
23. Special lagnas. In astrology, there are starting points from which we can study the horoscope, this helps to make predictions more accurately.
24. Upagrahas. Shadow planets that influence the subtle level of a person
25. Lunar calendar. The lunar calendar is based on the movement of the moon around the earth. He tells you when it is better to start new business, perform responsible tasks, change jobs, do household chores, and spend money.
26. Muhurta. Choosing a favorable time to start any business. (wedding, opening a business)
27. Medical astrology. Medical astrology helps diagnose diseases using signs, houses and planets.
28. Synastry. Partner Compatibility.
Result: Using the natal chart, you will be able to make a general analysis of a person, describe a person, interpret a horoscope. You will learn to predict periods. Restore birth time. Compile a detailed personal horoscope (detailed personality characteristics, talents, professions). You will be able to diagnose diseases on the natal chart. Learn to choose the right time for any event. You can determine the compatibility of partners.