Learning astrology from scratch


What you get:
– Learn the basic principles of astrology
– Get to know the planets of the solar system
– Explore each of the signs of the zodiac
– Identify your basic element and people type
– Calculate what kind of cross you have
– Find your synthetic sign of the zodiac
– Learn to build and interpret a Soul Formula



You will understand yourself and your relationship to the people around you. Identify your main character traits, talents, abilities, and direction of realization in life.
– 29 lessons

Recorded lessons are stored in your personal account for an unlimited time.
You can watch the lessons at any time convenient for you.
The most effective presentation of the material from simple to complex, with real examples of students present at the lessons, in clear language, with regular practical exercises.

Soul Formula
1. What is astrology. The planets Sun, Moon, Mercury and Venus.
2. Planets Mars, Jupiter, Saturn, Uranus, Neptune, Pluto.
3. Elements, crosses, synthetic sign.
4. Crosses. Signs of the Zodiac: Aries – Cancer.
5. Signs of the Zodiac: Leo – Pisces. The principle of constructing the Formula of the Soul.
6. The strength of the planets in points. Soul Formula Center.
7. Centers of the Soul Formula.
8. Recreation area. Three or more centers Orbits of the Soul Formula.
9. Orbits of the Soul Formula. Retrograde planets.
10. Retrograde planets in the center of the Soul Formula and in orbits.
11. Solar and Lunar types of people. The Sun is in the center of the Soul Formula.
12. Sun in orbits and “Recreation Zone”. The Moon is in the center of the Soul Formula.
13. Moon in the center of the Soul Formula, “Recreation Zone” and in orbits.
14. Moon in orbits. Mercury is at the center of the Soul Formula.
15. Mercury and Mercury retro at the center of the Soul Formula.
16. Mercury in orbits. Venus is at the center of the Soul Formula.
17. Venus in the center of the Soul Formula.
18. Venus and Venus retrograde in the center of the Soul Formula. Venus in orbit.
19. Venus in orbits, in the Recreation Zone, the Exclusion Zone. Mars function. Mars is at the center of the Soul Formula.
20. Mars retrograde in the center of the Soul Formula and Mars in orbits.
21. Mars in the recreation and exclusion zone. Jupiter in the center of the Soul Formula and in orbits.
22. Jupiter in the Rest Zone and the Exclusion Zone. Saturn is at the center of the Soul Formula.
23. Saturn in the center of the Soul Formula.
24. Saturn retrograde in the center of the Soul Formula.
25. Saturn in orbits, in the Rest Zone and the Exclusion Zone. Functions of Uranus. Uranus is at the center of the Soul Formula.
26. Uranus in orbits, in the Recreation and Exclusion Zone. Functions of Neptune. Neptune is at the center of the Soul Formula.
27. Neptune is retrograde in the center of the Formula of the Soul, in orbits, in the Zone of Rest and Alienation. Pluto functions.
28. Pluto and Pluto retrograde at the center of the Soul Formula.
29. Pluto in the Recreation Zone, the Exclusion Zone and in orbits.